
Showing posts from August, 2015

The Birth of a Barefoot Angel

Some of you who have read my little sister's article titled "Barefoot Girl Favorite Sibling" (link at bottom of post) may be wondering why our youngest brother Kevin found her so attractive. Well, Sharleen (a.k.a. Lynn) didn't tell the whole story as the article is already quite long as it is. We didn't want to turn it into a novel :) So now let me try to fill you in so that it makes more sense. One day Lynn and I were flipping through the pages of a fashion magazine when her eye caught the picture of a very pretty model and she was like, "Wow, she's so beautiful. I wish I could look like her!" I looked at her face and said, "Hmmm... maybe you could!" She was like, "Really? You think so? How?!" "By changing your hairstyle," I replied. "Let's show it to Debbie and ask her what she thinks!" Our big sister Debbie agreed with me but she said Lynn would have to wait till her hair grew longer, at l