
Showing posts from April, 2015

Self Cleaning Feet

Hi, this is Tania (not Sharleen). Yeah, she's been writing the last several posts here and you probably thought that little brat had taken over, huh? Just kidding! I love my little sis. But yeah, I've been kind of MIA (missing in action) because of school and everything else that keep me busy. But I'm still happily barefoot all the time, and my feet are really dirty. :) Yeah, in fact that's what I'm writing about today. As I have previously said, I like to keep my feet dirty as a reminder and to show others that I'm an avid barefooter. Up until high school I had to wear shoes to school, so I couldn't keep my feet dirty all the time. Now that I'm in college I no longer have to wear shoes. If you read my previous posts you probably remember that I was in yoga class twice a week, and we were required to have clean feet in class, so I would wear flip flops on those days. Well, I'm no longer in that class. It's a long story, but I basically got ki